Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Myth, Legends, folktales and fables.

What stories i like? That sounds interesting!

Okay my first favourite stories is
it talks about a girl whom name is Peasant, she was vain and proud, just because her father is the chief. She always wanted people to see how beautiful she is. And once, she was picking berries, uopn seeing a hamsome man standing next to her. She was started to say how beauty she was, as the hamsome man started praising her. The hamsome guy invited her to his villiage as it was dark. Not knowijng that his villiage is full of bears, which turn to humans, she followed him.after she knew about this, she was shock and unbelievable. the villiagers and chief, forced her to married to the hamsome guy. Of course she disagreed . Suddenly, there was a voice, speaking to her, telling her to respect her new husband, and also obey him, so that he would treat Peasant well. But if she ever tried to escape, she would let the bears to be angry again, and might even killed her. so Peasant was done what she had been told to. She obeyed her husband, and gradually, she was geeting used to the life of it. She is no longer vain and proud. One day, Peasant was told by her husband, that there is lots of people tracking her, so he decided to let them killed him. Peasant of course was very upset, and misery of the death of her husband. In the end she wanted to be part of the bear village, and put up a bear coat.

The second story is<>

this is a very funny stories, and i even thought the zebras are very creative too and i even like too. its just soo fuuny to sday it in this way.

Okay, this is the end of my like stories, Thanks For Watching :0

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