Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Summary Writing

During the Japanese occupation, some people were placed in prison where they kept all those prisoners in. Everybody don't dare to do anything, they must acted as if nothing had happened before. All races was putted together, despite being in different custom and religons. Everyone was living everything in the same. They bathed everday, all together. They only provided the prisoners a little bit of water, and soap, uses a piece of rag from the gunnysacks. The writer's father died due to servere of diarrhoea. beside being putted into the prison, they was forced to into being a prostitute. Japanese schools was opened, they were forced to sing the Japanese anthem. Emperor's birthday was celebrated with colourful parades. Every week, they was forced to see the concert regarding to Japanese culture. Worst, the moment you saw thoses Japanese, you must automatic bowed to them, if you don't, you would get beaten by them, this, they might said, you deserved it.

(90^ words)

1 comment:

  1. I see 149 words. That is way too many! Please refrain from using your personal opinion or things not found on the text in your summary writing.
